Registration is free to join us at the Capitol in Tallahassee on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 11-12 to lobby our Reps and Senators for legislation this session that ensures individual liberty, economic freedom, limited government, and fiscal responsibility. We are...
Join us in establishing a "Freedom Caucus" in the Florida House by electing twenty solid Liberty Legislators. We are actively raising funds to elect Liberty Legislators to the Florida House. Become a Liberty Partner today by donating any amount, large...
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a national grassroots organization working to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, free markets, and personal freedom and responsibility. For more than twenty years the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has been the strongest,...
REPUBLICAN LIBERTY CAUCUS OF FLORIDA FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Bob White,  Chairman, Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida 321-403-4441 – Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida Announces the Induction of Senate President Kathleen Passidomo into the “Oath Breakers Hall of Shame”  The Republican Liberty Caucus of...
Analysis of 2022 Proposed Ballot Amendments to the Florida Constitution. On November 8th, voters will be asked to support or oppose 3 different Amendments to the Florida Constitution. All three amendments were placed on the ballot by the Florida Legislature. For...
I'm For more than thirty years the Republican Liberty Caucus has been the strongest, most consistent voice for these principles within the Republican Party. Many Republicans talk about these principles, but the RLC has taken the lead in promoting...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida is serious about Election Integrity! This billboard, paid for by the RLCCEF, just went up in Tallahassee: One Person One Vote is the foundation upon which our Constitutional Republic rests! We want Governor DeSantis...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Central East Florida hosted its 13th Annual Republican Liberty Caucus Constitution Day Dinner on Saturday, September 11th. This event was a tremendous success! In fact, Per Chairman, Bob White, it was our most successful dinner...
The Republican Liberty Caucus strongly condemns President Biden for these unconstitutional mandates. Elected officials at all levels of government must take action to nullify Biden’s tyrannical executive orders. Businesses and individuals should refuse to comply, and the courts must...
For more than thirty years the Republican Liberty Caucus has been the strongest, most consistent voice for these principles within the Republican Party. Many Republicans talk about these principles, but the RLC has taken the lead in promoting Liberty...

