Demand the Immediate Removal of the United States Capitol Police Field Office in Tampa Demand the immediate removal of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) field office in Tampa, Florida. On July 7, 2021, we learned the USCP is establishing field...
The Republican Liberty Caucus is a national grassroots organization working to advance the principles of individual rights, limited government, free markets, and personal freedom and responsibility. For more than twenty years the Republican Liberty Caucus (RLC) has been the strongest,...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida is pleased to announce our endorsement of Ron DeSantis for Florida Governor. To learn more about Ron DeSantis and to support his campaign, please visit his website at
On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, Florida State Representative from Hillsborough County, Mike Beltran, made a BOLD stance for liberty and defended the 2A rights of Floridians as he filed an amendment to HB 543, the so called "Constitutional Carry"...
The Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida is serious about Election Integrity! This billboard, paid for by the RLCCEF, just went up in Tallahassee: One Person One Vote is the foundation upon which our Constitutional Republic rests! We want Governor DeSantis...
2021 Legislative Action Alert Great Success for our Skeet Shoot Fundraiser Protecting our Second Amendment: A Key to Protecting All Amendments and Freedoms    READ MORE     
For more than thirty years the Republican Liberty Caucus has been the strongest, most consistent voice for these principles within the Republican Party. Many Republicans talk about these principles, but the RLC has taken the lead in promoting Liberty...
For more than thirty years the Republican Liberty Caucus has been the strongest, most consistent voice for these principles within the Republican Party. Many Republicans talk about these principles, but the RLC has taken the lead in promoting Liberty...

2020 Year in Review

Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida 2020 Year in Review Greetings members and friends of the Republican Liberty Caucus of Florida.  2020 has been an exceptional year for our organization! Looking forward we will build on that success with a 1st quarter 2021 membership...
Chairman Bob White Statement on the Assault at the U.S. Capitol I have many friends and fellow patriots that were in Washington DC today. As far as I can tell so far, they are all safe. I am incredibly thankful...

